Planning applications received week ending September 9 | Harrogate Advertiser

2022-09-16 20:08:48 By : Ms. Meara Dai

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Demolition of existing porch and detached garage and building of a two storey side and rear extension with proposed upper ground floor deck at 2 Knox Gardens, Harrogate HG1 3AU.

Proposed subdivision of the ground floor to form four retail units, formation of five residential units on the upper floors including an extended stair and lift core at the rear, remodeling and renewal of the roof, changes to the fenestration of the building and external works at 13A Montpellier Parade, Harrogate HG1 2TJ.

Retrospective change of use from single dwellinghouse to five holiday lets at 34 Kings Road, Harrogate HG1 5JW.

Proposed hard landscaping works to existing front and rear terrace/outside seating areas (incl. fixed timber frame pergola, three retractable awnings to front and perimeter fencing to front terrace area at The Tap And Spile, 31 Tower Street, Harrogate HG1 1HS.

Application to remove existing signage and propose one new projecting sign, four new vinyl to shop front windows and one new built up letters at Tesco Express, 2 - 3 Nidderdale House, Cambridge Road, Harrogate HG1 1NS.

Building of balcony and installation of glazed doors at second floor level to rear elevation at 3 Bartle Avenue, Harrogate HG1 5FL.

Reserved matters application (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for community and retail facilities in respect of development approved under outline application 18/01028/DVCMAJ at King Edwin Park Residential Development, Penny Pot Lane, Harrogate HG3 2HD.

Building of replacement turnstiles and kiosk with access and landscaping at Harrogate Town AFC, Wetherby Road, Harrogate HG2 7RY.

Replacement of existing timber window frames with white UPVC window frames of a similar appearance at Flat 3, 4 Grove Park Terrace, Harrogate HG1 4BW.

Conversion and renovation of first and second floor to form six apartments to include; demolition of buildings, the building of side and rear extensions, renovation of ground floor bar, installation of lift, formation of four terraces, alterations to fenestration and undercroft parking at 5 Devonshire Place, Harrogate HG1 4AA.

Outline application for the residential conversion of farm structures to form two dwellings, building of four new dwellings, demolition of stable block and modern farm structures with associated works, with with access and layout considered (0.23ha) at Granby Farm Livery Stables, Granby Road, Harrogate HG1 4ST.

Conversion of existing garage to annex at 5 Anchor Road, Harrogate HG1 4TA.

Approval of details required under Condition 5 (fencing to rail boundary), Condition 6 – (tree root protection areas), Condition 8 (landscape and rail planting details), Condition 10 (play area details), Condition 11 (solar panels) and Condition 12 (EV Charging Points) of planning permission 21/01465/REMMAJ – Reserved Matters Application for the building of 133 dwellings, public open space, green infrastructure and associated works with access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale considered pursuant to outline permission 19/02262/OUTMAJ (appeal decision APP/E2734/W/20/3260624) as varied by application 21/02605/DVCMAJ at Kingsley Farm, Kingsley Road, Harrogate HG1 4RF.

Non-material amendment of installation of additional rooflight to rear elevation of planning permission 21/03872/FUL - Remodelling of existing dwelling to include two storey side and rear extensions, with full replacement of external wall render, roof tiles, windows and eaves. Detached garden room building to rear garden. New gateposts with automated entrance gate at 98 Leeds Road, Harrogate HG2 8HB.

Amendment to the wording of condition 17 of 20/01698/REMMAJ to the following - The construction phase of the development shall be undertaken in accordance with the Outline Method Statement, prepared by Peter Duffy Limited (dated January 2022), unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority. The approved wheel washing facilities must be kept in place in full working order and available for use during the construction period of the development. All vehicles involved in the transport of waste materials or finished products from the site must leave the site through the wheel washing facility so that no mud or waste materials are deposited on the public highway land comprising field at 429860 452555 Rossett Green Lane, Harrogate.

Single detached garage at Rossett House, 78 Green Lane, Harrogate HG2 9LN.

READ MORE: Planning applications received week ending September 2

Approval of details reserved by Conditions 3 (external materials) and 4 (stonework sample panel) of planning permission 22/01596/FUL – Building of single storey extensions to sides and rear, alterations to roof including installation of two dormer windows to front and rear, formation of living accommodation within roofspace and alterations to fenestration at 67 Otley Road, Harrogate HG2 0DW.

Formation of light well and building of single storey rear extension to lower ground floor flat at Brantwood, 7 Park Drive, Harrogate.

Demolition of garage, building of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, dormer extension and change of external materials at 84 Forest Avenue, Harrogate HG2 7JP.

Creation of a new driveway access and dropped kerb at the front of the property at 39 Hookstone Drive, Harrogate HG2 8PR.

Building of single storey ground floor and first floor extension. Renewel of Previous Planning Approval 19/03080/FUL at 9 Florence Road, Harrogate HG2 0LD.

Single storey side/ front extension at 53 Farfield Avenue, Knaresborough HG5 8HB.

Building of gate posts, gates and railings to front boundary at The Spinney, Lands Lane, Knaresborough HG5 9DE.

Conversion of one dwelling house in to two dwelling houses, including the building of rear single storey extensions and dormer windows at 76 Manor Road, Knaresborough HG5 0DS.

Building of detached workshop 33 Inman Grove, Knaresborough HG5 0PJ.

Extension to existing agricultural building (retrospective) at Kingstone Farm, Fellbeck HG3 5EP.

Above ground concrete panel slurry store, 34.098m in diameter and 4m height above ground with 1m dug below ground with a further 2.0m PVC cover. This store will have a capacity of 1,000,000 gallons (4546 cu m) at Cliff Grange, Fellbeck HG3 5EW.

Removal of existing side extension and replacing with two storey side extension. Proposed garage and driveway at 7 Peckfield Close, Hampsthwaite HG3 2ES.